Dreaming of Cabbage

55 Spiritual Meanings of Dreaming of Cabbage

Dreaming of cabbage – meaning and symbolism

Dreaming of cabbage requires you to pay attention to serious life situations or expenses. It also requires you to take care of your health, control your spending, and beware of cheating. Vegetables like cabbage may not seem important, but they can predict your life. So, before we delve into the details of dream types, let’s get to know their common interpretations.

1. The past

Seeing cabbage in a dream can be a sign that you have made mistakes in the past and deeply regret them.

2. Attention

When you dream of cabbage, it suggests that you need to pay attention to certain challenging situations in your life. It also requires you to think twice before making a decision.

3. Deception

Another common interpretation of a dream about cabbage is that your friend is wearing a mask. They may appear around you to cheat on you. So, be cautious with those you trust.

4. Health

When you dream of cabbage, it is a sign that you are neglecting your health. Don’t ignore the symptoms of health problems and don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Also, this dream may mean that you need to take a break.

5. Expenditures

Seeing cabbage in a dream can be a sign that you will continue to waste money without limiting your spending and may encounter financial difficulties.

Buying cabbage in a dream

If you dream of buying cabbage, the dream can be interpreted as that you need to take a break from real life. Go out with friends and take a break from work.

Dream about peeling and washing cabbage

If you dream of peeling and washing cabbage, the dream may be interpreted negatively. This dream means that you will soon receive some disturbing news. It can affect your life or the life of someone close to you. Also, dreaming of washing cabbage is a sign of fear. Also, they indicate that you need to purify your mind.

Dreaming of cutting cabbage

If you dream of cutting cabbage, the dream symbolizes a severance from your anxious job. If you cut cabbage with a knife, you will have to make difficult decisions for your development.

Dream about cabbage ripening

If you dream of cooking or boiling cabbage, the dream may have multiple meanings. The first interpretation suggests that you need to accept changes in your life in order to be happy. Also, this dream suggests that it may seem scary to a few people because it reflects the truth of your life.

Dream about eating cabbage

If you dream of eating cabbage, the dream suggests that you or someone close to you is going through a difficult time. It also depicts anger at someone’s actions.

Dream about rotten or spoiled cabbage

If you dream of rotten or spoiled cabbage, the dream may indicate that you have a flawed personality and outdated beliefs. It can also mean that you are not aware of the dangers in your path. Also, this dream suggests that you have recently made a bad decision that has deprived you of your happiness.

Dream about red cabbage

If you dream of red cabbage, the dream is a sign that an evil force is strongly influencing you and trying to harm you. Your dreams also suggest that you have a lot of hidden potential that you will soon discover. Seeing red cabbage in a dream can also mean unfulfilled wishes.

Dream about unripe cabbage

If you dream of unripe cabbage, the dream may represent your frustration with a delayed project. It also requires you to think carefully before making any decisions.

Dream about cabbage

If you dream of cabbage, the dream may indicate that you are feeling helpless. There are also people who say that you or someone close to you will hear bad news.

Dream about eating cabbage stalks

If you dream of eating cabbage stalks, the dream reflects the challenges in your life. The Dream Book says that you need to put in more effort to overcome the challenges.

Dream about Chinese cabbage

If you dream of cabbage, then this dream needs to be cherished. This dream may mean that you will soon receive many unexpected benefits.

Dream about picking cabbage leaves

If you dream of picking cabbage leaves, the dream may have a bad meaning. This dream suggests that money is being wasted on unnecessary things.

Dream about harvesting cabbage

Dreaming of harvesting cabbage may suggest that you need to manage your expenses well. Otherwise, you may soon face financial problems.

I dreamed of holding a cabbage

If you dream of holding cabbage, the dream has a positive meaning. It shows that you have strong family bonds.

Dream about old cabbage

If you dream of an old cabbage, the dream means that you are proud of your achievements. The people around you will also treat you with great respect.

Dream about cabbage

If you dream of flower cabbage, this dream may allow you to save money.

I dreamed that cabbage was growing in a field

If you dream that cabbage grows in your field, the dream can be interpreted as that you are lucky. You can win the lottery or get money.

Dream about eating cabbage salad

If you dream of eating cabbage salad, the dream suggests that you will ask for a raise.

Dream about pruning cabbage

If you dream of pruning cabbage, this dream suggests that you are confident that no one can beat you.

Dream about pruning cabbage

If you dream of pruning cabbage, this dream means that you are about to enter into a romantic relationship. Also, this dream suggests that you are on the right path. If you’ve already set a goal, don’t waste time and act now.

Dream about blue cabbage

If you dream of green cabbage, the dream reflects a real-life economic crisis. Also, the dream may be a request to sponsor someone.

Dream about stealing cabbage

If you dream of stealing cabbage, the dream can be interpreted as a sign of guilt and remorse. You may shed tears over past mistakes.

Dream about Chinese cabbage

If you dream of a large cabbage, the dream may indicate that you are visiting visitors or relatives at home.

Dream about cabbage, beets, and carrots on the same plate

If you dream of cabbage, beets, and carrots on your plate, the dream symbolizes that you can work hard and earn money honestly.

Dream about picking cabbage at the market

If you dream of picking cabbage at the market, the dream represents that you are praising a quality that someone does not have.

Dream about buying a lot of cabbage

Dreaming of buying a lot of cabbage may require you to be pragmatic and plan for the future.

Dream about cutting cabbage heads

If you dream of cutting cabbage heads, the dream may be warning you not to waste time and money. Otherwise, you will face financial crisis.

Dream about cabbage growing

Dreaming of cabbage growing up is a sign of your work ethic. We know that only by working hard and persevering can we reap the benefits. But now you’ve waited too long and feel entitled to be rewarded.

Dream about growing cabbage

If you dream of growing cabbage, this dream tells you that you tend to enjoy life and make it lightly. If your family is wealthy, you don’t have to worry too much about your future because they will inherit the family property. But you won’t sit back and sit at home. Instead, you will try to achieve as great as your parents.

Pickled cabbage in a dream

If you dream of pickled cabbage, the dream could mean that you are having a fight with your family. None of you are ready to compromise and fight for your rights. I know this approach is illogical, but I have no choice but to do so to protect your rights.

Dream about eating fresh cabbage salad

Dreaming of eating a fresh cabbage salad, this dream tells you that positive changes are about to take place in your life. It may be related to your personal or professional life. But you will be satisfied because good things will happen. If you are single, this dream means that you will soon meet someone worthy of marriage.

Dream about eating pickled cabbage salad

If you dream of eating pickled cabbage salad, this dream is a sign that you are about to prioritize your health. You will change your daily routine to benefit your health. Maybe you eat healthy or exercise more to stay healthy.

Dream about eating cooked cabbage

If you dream of eating cooked cabbage, the dream means that you are exaggerating your problem. You worry about problems in your life. But this can only be solved by changing your perspective. It may be a good idea to ask a loved one for advice. It will help you.

Dream about eating steamed cabbage

If you dream of eating steamed cabbage, the dream may be a flashback. You miss carefree joys and peaceful times. You must have come across an event that filled you with childhood memories and boarded a train from a memory.

Dream about stir-fried cabbage

If you dream of stir-fried cabbage, the dream asks you to be vigilant. You will risk everything for someone, but that person will lie to you. You will try to help them in a difficult situation, but it turns out to be a scam and you will be disappointed.

Dream about eating pickled cabbage

If you dream of eating pickled cabbage, the dream will lead you to argue with the people close to you about an ancient tradition. Instead of arguing, stay calm and express your point.

Dream about eating cabbage cookies

If you dream of eating cabbage crackers, the dream reflects that you have been hurt by the actions of someone close to you, but you are trying to suppress these feelings to stay connected. If the person is close to you, talk to them to clear up any misunderstandings and avoid bitterness.

Dream about drinking cabbage juice

If you dream of drinking cabbage juice, this dream may mean that you need to take care of your health. You are stressed out and are not following a healthy regime. In addition, there are some symptoms of the disease that can be constantly ignored. Instead of using home remedies, seek professional help.

Dream about cabbage buns

If you dream of cabbage buns, the dream means that you are naïve. Someone will influence you to do something completely unreasonable and wrong that you won’t even know.

Dream about selling cabbage

Dreaming of selling cabbage means that you expect your progress to be better than it is now. You work hard, but the results are not very good. This dream requires you to be patient and persistent. With perseverance and hard work, you are sure to get results.

Dream about someone stealing cabbage

If you dream that someone is stealing cabbage, this dream means that you are about to break up with your friends. You know their shortcomings and choose to stick to your principles.

Dream about throwing away cabbage

If you dream of throwing away cabbage, this dream is a sign that you will suffer a small loss. Maybe one of your home appliances needs to be repaired. Or maybe you’ve invested but aren’t getting the results you expected.

Dream about fresh cabbage

If you dream of fresh cabbage, the dream is a sign that your loved one is going to cheat on you. Beware of red flags or negative signals and don’t let anyone deceive you.

Dream about sprinkling salt on cabbage

If you dream of salted cabbage, this dream means unprecedented success. No matter which career you choose, it will bring you success and financial stability.

Dream about cabbage soup

If you dream of cabbage soup, the dream means a misunderstanding. Such misconceptions can also affect your personal life. Connect and listen to your loved ones. If necessary, compromise on some fronts.

Dreaming of cutting cabbage

If you dream of cutting cabbage, the dream means that your child is about to add problems. Talk to them and address their pain. Alternatively, the dream also represents a problem in the family.

Dream about cold cabbage

If you dream of cold cabbage, the dream is for you to focus on your health to avoid major disruptions.

Dream about cabbage fields

If you dream of a cabbage field, the dream is asking you to put an end to your doubts now. It’s time to make a decision.

Dream about cabbage recipes

If you dream of cabbage recipes, the dream suggests that you are a wild and ignorant person. Even if it doesn’t make sense, anything that gives you money will follow.

Dreaming of Chinese cabbage doesn’t taste good

If you dream that cabbage doesn’t taste good, the dream is a dream that you will spend money on good things.

Dream about cabbage getting in the way

If you dream that cabbage is in the way, the dream is a sign that someone who hates you wants to create problems in your life, but you will handle it well.

Dreaming of boiling cabbage

If you dream of boiling cabbage, the dream can be interpreted in a positive way. This dream symbolizes future wealth and abundance.

Dream about cooking red cabbage

If you dream of boiling red cabbage, the dream is a sign that your illness will be cured.

Dream about cabbage fields

If you dream of a cabbage field, the dream describes wishing for simpler relationships in you. But that’s not the case, so you’re ready to go the extra mile.


Teresa is an accomplished dream analyst, author, and therapist based in America, with over three decades of experience in dream research and interpretation.

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